Assistant Professor
Important Publication
- Das M,Mukhopadhyay PK & Chowdhury M.Carbohydrate-binding profile of apregnancy.-associated uterine glycoprotein.Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry.137: 91-99,1994
- Mehta M and Chowdhury M.The effect of anti-prolactin antibody on in nitro synthesis of a pregnancy-associated rat uterine glycoprotein.Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry 177: 131-138,1997.
- Mehta M & Chowdhury M. A mammose-binding glycoprotein found in the 4 day post coiral rat uterus and is involved in pregnancy.Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry 195: 65-75,1999.
- Mehta M & WooPTK . Acquired cell-mediated protection in rainbow trst,On cohychus nykiss against the hemoflagellate,Cryptobia salmositics Parasitology Research 88: 956-962,2002.
- Chowdhury M,Mukhopadhyay PK & Das M .Hormonal regulation of a sugar-binding protein of rat uterus which participates In. Incellular & Molecular signaling in Reproduction.Sengupta & Ghosh editor, 123ff, 1996.