Sl. Name of the Faculty Educational Qualifications Specialization Designation
1 Swati Mukerji  M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D American Literature Associate Professor
2 Tanmoy Baghira  M.A. Masculinity Studies, Film
Theory and Cultural Studies
Assistant Professor
3 Atabi Saha M.A. Indian Writing in English Assistant Professor
4 Swati Moitra


M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. 19th Century, Gender Studies,
Book History, Cultural Studies,
New Media and Internet Cultures
Assistant Professor
5 Bhawana Theeng Tamang ,M.A.,B.Ed. American Literature Assistant Professor
6 Tanusree Nandi M.A. SACT-II
7 Swagata Singha Roy M.A. Gender Studies, Subaltern
Studies, Feminist Theories
8 Rajarshee Gupta M.A.,  M.Phil.

Postcolonialism, Popular Literature and Culture, Indology, Romanticism.

Assistant Professor


Click here for Departmental Activity Report 2023-24

⇒ Celebration of Constitution Day on 26.11.2024.

⇒ Winning Bronze Medal in 24th FSKA World Cup Karate Championship

⇒ Invited lecture on 23.11.2024



Sl. Name of the Faculty Session -2019-2020 Session -2020-2021
1 Swati Mukerji (HOD) Sem-1, Sem-II, Sem-III, Sem-IV Sem-IV & Sem-VI
2 Tanmoy Baghira Sem-1, Sem-II, Sem-IV, Sem-III  Sem-V, Sem-VI Sem-1, Sem-II, Sem-IV, Sem-III  Sem-V, Sem-VI,  Implementation Report Sem-I, III & V
3 Atabi Saha Sem-ISem-IISem-III, Sem-IV
4 Swati Moitra Sem-1, Sem-II, Sem-III, Sem-IV Sem-II, Sem-IV Sem-VI,
5 Bhawana Theeng Tamang Sem-II & IV  Sem-III Sem-I, Sem- I, III & V Report
6 Tanusree Nandi Sem-1, Sem-II, Sem-III, Sem-IV
7 Swagata Singha Roy Sem-I, Sem-III



Research activity 2014-2021

Sl. Type of publication from the Department Number
1 Books/Book chapters/Paper Published in National/

International Conference Proceedings

2 Completed Projcet 1

Departmental Activities

Students’ Seminar: The yearly student’s seminar saw two students of the first year, Nilabho Chanda, and Dipro Roy, holding forth on two presentations. The rapt audience learned about the development of the sonnet in Elizabethan England courtesy Dipro and the decline of drama in the Jacobean period in English courtesy Nilabho. The Department of English looks forward to holding more such events in the near future.

Webinars held:

10th August, 2020

The Feeling of Disgust – History, Philosophy and Literature
Speaker: Arijeet Mandal, Assistant
Professor, Jadavpur University, Kolkata
Platform: YouTube Live organised through GDC Courseware

10th June, 2021

Topic : Shadow Lines: The 1947 Partition and Its Aftermath
Speaker : Dr. Mousumi Mandal
Platform: Google Meet

Wall magazine: The students of the department from all three years came together to produce a whimsical piece for the wall magazine that they named – The Caterpiller : A Collage of the College. It is a bright and colourful combination of photographs, art, and commentary (in both English and Bangla) on matters close to their heart.

Dr. Swati Mukerji published a book entitled ‘Societal influences in the plays of Tennessee Williams’ in January, 2018. She was also invited to present a paper in the National Seminar organized by the Tagore-Gandhi Centre for Extramural activities, Studies and Training, Rabindra Bharati University in April, 2018. Dr. Mukerji presented a paper in the International Conference organized by All India English Teachers Conference, Osmania University Hyderabad in Jan 2018. She also completed a two year
UGC Minor project in 2016.

The departmental seminar had faculty members presenting research papers and introducing students to the idea of conducting research. Faculty members from other departments of the college were also present for the occasion. Tanmoy Baghira spoke on tattoos, and their differences in various cultures. Swati Moitra spoke on the emerging discipline of book history and the cultures of reading in India, and methodologies for the same.

A parent teachers meeting was organized by the dept to discuss the progress of the first year students.