Sl. Name of the Faculty Educational Qualifications Specialization Designation
1 Dr. Tanima Kundu M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D. Accounting & Finance Assistant Professor
2 Sumuna Lama  M.Com. Accounting & Finance Assistant Professor
3 Sumanta Bhattacharjee M.Com. Accounting & Finance Associate Professor
4 Kaushik Pal (HOD) M.Com. Accounting & Finance SACT-II
5 Uddipta Roy Chowdhury M.Com. Accounting & Finance SACT-II


Sl. Name of the Faculty Session -2018-2019 Session -2019-2020 Session -2020-2021
1 Dr. Tanima Kundu
2 Gaurav Deep Rai Sem-I, Sem-II, Sem-III, Sem-IV, Sem-V, Sem-VI
3 Sumuna Lama Sem-I, Sem-II, Sem-III, Sem-IV, Sem-V, Sem-VI Sem-I, Sem-II, Sem-III, Sem-IV, Sem-V, Sem-VI
4 Dipak Banik Sem-I (G), Sem-I (H), Sem-II (G), Sem-II (H), Sem-III (G), Sem-III (H), Sem-IV (G), Sem-IV (H),Sem-V (G), Sem-V (H), Sem-VI (G), Sem-VI (H) Sem-I (G), Sem-I (H), Sem-II (G), Sem-II (H), Sem-III (G), Sem-III (H), Sem-IV (G), Sem-IV (H),Sem-V (G), Sem-V (H), Sem-VI (G), Sem-VI (H)
5 Kaushik Pal Sem-I, Sem-II, Sem-III, Sem-IV, Sem-V, Sem-VI Sem-I, Sem-II, Sem-III, Sem-IV, Sem-V, Sem-VI
6 Uddipta Roy Chowdhury Sem-I, Sem-III, Sem-IV, Sem-V, Sem-VI Sem-I, Sem-II, Sem-III, Sem-IV, Sem-V, Sem-VI

Research activity 2014-2021

Sl. Type of publication from the Department Number
1 Number of Publications in  Peer reviewed Journals listed by UGC 4
2 Books/Book chapters/Paper Published in National/
International Conference Proceedings

Departmental Activities

Department of Commerce: 2023-24

Career Awareness Program

A Career Oriented Program organized by Department of Commerce in Collaboration with IQAC, Career Counselling Cell, Seminar Sub-Committee of Gurudas College and Institute of Company Secretaries of India, EIRC & iLEAP Pathfinder, Kolkata was held on 15th December,2023 at Room 17, Commerce Building, Gurudas College.

Sri (CS) Surya Narayan Mishra, Regional Director (ICSI-EIRC), delivered a valuable lecture on “How to become a Company Secretary” and eminent speakers from i-LEAP, Pathfinder Institute provided information on different career opportunities in Commerce.The session was interesting and interactive. Around 104 students attended the session. And Certificates of Participation were awarded to the participants.

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Students’ Week Celebration: 2023-24

Parent-Teacher Meeting for B. Com Semester – I (4 Year & 3 Year), under CCF organizedby Department of Commerce as a part of Students’ Week Activities was held on 5th January,2024 at 12:30 pm at Commerce Building, Room No. 17. The meeting was interactive;queries regarding Students Attendance, New Exam Modalities, Specific Subject related(Micro Economics & ENVS Question Pattern), delay in CU registration, issuance of ID cards & Library cards was clarified.

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Induction Programme on ‘Internship Opportunities’ -2023-24

An Induction Program for B. Com Semester – II (4-Year and 3-Year), under CCF was organised by Department of Commerce on 17th May, 2024, at Commerce Building, Room 17. The Summer Internship Modalities as per the guidelines laid down in CCF, 2022 were instructed to the studentsincluding

  • Scope of the Summer Internship Programme
  • Period of Programme
  • Distribution of Credits
  • Evaluation Process
  • Exit Option

Around 99 students attended the Induction Program. The program was informative and beneficial to students.

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Wall Magazine -2023-24

A Departmental Wall Magazine on ‘Women Entrepreneurs’ was published on 15th June, 2023. The wall magazine was made by Madhurima Pramanick & Priyanka Ghosh from B. Com Semester-IV Honours. A small token of gifts was awarded to the students for their creativity.

Students’ Seminar:

Online Student seminar held on  26th  August, 2021, on Google Meet.

A Students’ Seminar was held on 20th March, 2018. There were 22 presenters from B.Com Part III Honours stream. The inaugural speech for the seminar was delivered by our Principal and was convened by Prof. Gaurav Deep Rai. Each of the presenters were given a certificate of presentation.

Special lecture organized by the Dept.

1. A Special Lecture on Ind AS (Indian Accounting Standards) was delivered by Dr. Sanjib Kumar Basu, (CA), Dean of M.Com, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata on 15th November, 2017. The lecture revolved around the need of a global accounting language in our Indian scenario and the importance of Ind AS. B.Com students actively participated in the discussion.

2. A Special Lecture on the Impact of GST (Goods & Services Tax) on financial market delivered by the members of ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) on 13th December, 2017. CA Abhishek Jain discussed the awareness and impact of GST in the present financial markets. CA Sanjib Chatterjee and Mrs. Susmita Sen discussed the importance of Chartered Accountancy Course in this era of globalization and liberalization.

3. Special Lecture on the importance of Tally was delivered by Medi Skills Pvt. Ltd on 9th December, 2017. They highlighted the job prospects for a B.Com. graduate with knowledge of Tally, and other financial packages.

A Teachers’ Day Celebration was organized by the students of B.Com Department. Both Hindi & Bengali poems were recited and songs sung.