Certificate Course on ‘Basics of Photography’


Gurudas College in collaboration with the Photographic Association of Dum Dum has been started to conduct a Certificate Course on ‘Basics of Photography’. The duration of the course is of 36 hrs. The classes are being held on every Saturday between 2-4 p.m. at the PG Library cum Reading Room of the College. The course is designed to help the students to understand the basic concepts of various theoretical aspects of photography and hands on training, practical demonstrations as well as outdoor classes, enable them to equip themselves to practice the subject and to do work independently at any concern. The participants are mostly the current students of the College as well as some ex-students and support staffthose are interested to learn elementary knowledge of photography.The course has been designed in such a way that it will help them to gain additional as well as specialized knowledge in the subject concerned. 

Course Curriculum


Sl. No. Topic Duration
1 The Basic Principles of Photography 2h
2 History of Photography 1h
3 Fundamentals of Light 1h
4 Camera 2h
5 Shutter 1h
6 Lens 1h
7 Exposure 2h
8 Filter 1h
9 Flash Photography 2h
10 Depth of Field 1h
11 Digital Camera Features 2h
12 Digital Exposure & Autofocus 2h
13 Supplementary Lenses 1h
14 Composition 1h
15 Pictorial Photography 2h
16 Introduction to Digital Photography 2h
17 Outdoor Shooting (Two Sundays) 8h
18 Introduction to Photojournalism 2h
  Exam. 2h
  Total Duration 36h

 Inaugural Programme

The inaugural programme of the course was held on 26th June, 2019 and the Hon’ble Dean of the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Education, Journalism & Library ScienceProf. PijushkantiPanigrahi formally inaugurated the course. Dr.AbhoynathGanguly, the Hon’ble President of the Photographic Association of Dum Dum was the Chief Guest and Prof. AbirChattopadhyay, the Hon’ble Chairperson of Under-Graduate Board of Studies, Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Calcutta was the Guest of Honour of the programme.

Till now, 69 participants have registered their names for this course and the classes are regularly going on.