Notice for B.Com. 1st year students (Sem-II)


Notice for 1st year students (Sem-II)

The students are to note that the seating arrangement for the forthcoming Internal Assessment on 10th and 13th May, 2019 is

     Stream     Roll no. Room no.
Hons COMA 1- COMA 114 R17
General C 1 – C 49 R16
General C 50 – C 134 R15
General C 135 – C 189 R18


Notice for 1st year students (Sem-II)

All the students of first year B.Com (Hons) and General are to note the exam dates for the upcoming Internal Assessment to be held :

Date Paper Time
10.05.19 (Friday) GE 2.1 Chg E-commerce & Business communication 12 noon-1 pm
10.05.19 (Friday) CC 2.1 Chg Company Law 1.30 pm – 2.30 pm
13.05.19 (Monday) CC 2.2 Chg Marketing Management and MRM 12 noon-1 pm
13.05.19 (Monday) C 2.1 Ch/Cg Cost and Management Accounting-I 1.30 pm – 2.30 pm

Each paper will be of 20 marks and all papers except Cost and Management Accounting-I will be in MCQ format. Cost and Management Accounting-I will be subjective  in nature.



Dr. Tanima Kundu
(HOD of Commerce)